داستان آبیدیک

tip clearance


1 مکانیک:: لقی نوک

The concept of active tip-clearance control suggests a new application of magnetic bearings as servo actuators to stabilize rotating stall in axial compressors. The magnetic bearing servo actuator is used to actively whirl the shaft, inducing an unsteady variation of the rotor blade tip-clearance distribution as shown in Fig. 10.26. The effect of tip-clearance asymmetries due to shaft deflections on compressor perfor- mance and stability is addressed next. The objective of the preliminary analysis is to deter- mine the magnetic bearing force bandwidth and the stall control authority required to conduct the rotating stall control with tip-clearance actuation. The inputs to the compressor prestall transfer function G(s) are the tip-clearance distribution (t) and the background noise modeled by unsteady velocity fluctuations w(t).

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